Of course the title lies, but it gets one reading, doesn't it? Three of the sweaters would fit (will fit) teddy bears. They're samplers, as it were, from classes I've been taking, to try out techniques in a small space: four kinds of pockets, steeking, double pick-up neck edging, tubular cast-ons and bind-offs, invisible hems, knitted bias edging for the zippers, on and on. These best-dressed teddy bears, belonging to Ainsley and Eliza, will be the envy of shabbier toys. Three of the sweaters are "real," and have been being juggled one against another for several weeks.
Norah Gaughan's "Manon," in heather brown Cascade 220 super wash, and Connie Chang Chinchio's "Varese Hoodie,"in the variegated Nova Scotian Fleece Artist (woolie silk). Both of them quite wonderful, better of course in life than in the photos. Thanks to NICOLE at WEBS for modeling them today.
I'll post teddy bear sweater pictures another time (it's 95 degrees here at 5:00 p.m.), and the sixth sweater is a Zimmerman one I started and disliked in March. But I'm hell-bent on finishing all six this week.