Sunday, October 18, 2009


Aside from afghan squares, of which I've now completed about thirty-five (of sixty-three), I seem mainly to be knitting hats, hats, hats. All containable projects, easy to pick up and put down (and take dog-park walks with). This blog has subsided; and I don't know when I'll resume thinking about knitting enough to write more, so for now, here are the various hats on and off needles. And a little vest, the fem' variant of Hickory's "Ryland's Vest, " pattern soon available at knittingetc. newsletter, my ruffles an option. To identify the hats here, you could go to my "projects" page, my sort of knitting history, at (at least I think you can go there).


Hickory said...

What lovely warmth comes from your needles Lynda!

suze said...

I had no idea you've been crankin out all these soulful hats. loverly, loverly ...loverly (sung to the tune of ...) suze

suze said...
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